Counter For Months
Month Counter
Alright, so this one's a bit weird. See that oddly small ヶ there? Well, together with 月 (month), it becomes a counter for months. You'll use this when you want to talk about a specific number of months, so not when you're saying January, February, etc.
Note that you'll run into different variants of this. While 一ヶ月 is the most common, you'll also encounter 一か月, 一カ月, and rarely 一箇月. Luckily, they're all read the same, just written differently. Speaking about reading, let's get to it.
The little ヶ might be slightly misleading, as you'll have to read this as か. The rest is easy though, as 月 just takes a normal on'yomi reading. And since we're not talking about specific months, that means it's just げつ, making this 〜かげつ.
how many months
several months
one month
Japanese schools only have one month of summer vacation.
It took several months to complete this.
How many months old is the baby?
My child started crawling at eight months and began walking at nine months.