

To Strangle

Word Type

transitive verb, ichidan verb


The kanji means strangle and this vocab is the verb version of that: to strangle. It’s usually used in the phrase 首を絞める, which also means “to strangle.”

There is another word, 絞る which means "to wring out" that looks very similar. You know that this one is "to strangle" because it has める sticking out of it. Imagine that in the mail (める) you get a letter that says "I'm going to strangle you!" When you get this in the mail, you know it's about strangling.


  • Kyoko
    (Tokyo accent, female)
  • Kenichi
    (Tokyo accent, male)


The thing that is threatening to strangle you is actually a sheep ()! The sheep comes to your house and says, "here's the sheep mail!" and then tries to strangle you. It puts its hard feet on your neck though it's pretty ineffective.


Context Sentences


My younger brother was strangled by a sheep.


In retrospect, I was basically creating a situation where I was shooting myself in the foot.


I had the experience of killing, butchering, and eating a chicken by myself for the first time in my life.


"Strangling someone with floss silk” is a metaphor for subtly and slowly criticizing or tormenting someone, without directly confronting or attacking them.

Kanji Composition